⭐️NVU Rewards⭐️

⭐️Night Vision Universe Rewards Program⭐️

We are excited to introduce our new rewards program. You will earn 1 point for ever $1 spent. You can redeem your points for a discount when you reach the thresholds below.

⭐️3000 Points = $50

⭐️6000 Points = $125

⭐️9000 Points = $200

⭐️12000 Points = $300

You will need to sign up using the rewards icon on the bottom right corner of my website. 

You can also earn points by doing tasks such as:

⭐️100 Points - Writing a review of NVU

⭐️100 Points - Signing up for my Newsletter 

⭐️100 Points - On your Birthday!!

⭐️50 Points - Liking my Facebook Page

⭐️50 Points - Follow me on Instagram 

⭐️50 Points - Follow me on X 

⭐️50 Points - Follow me on Twitter

⭐️50 Points - Sharing NVU on Facebook 

⭐️50 Points - Sharing NVU on Twitter  

⭐️50 Points - Sharing NVU on X 

You can also get a $25 coupon when you refer someone and they make a purchase. If they do, they get a $25 coupon as well.😊

NOTE: Any abuse of the NVU Rewards program will result in termination of your rewards account and all points earned will be voided.

Please feel free to contact me anytime at - 
Please text me with any questions at 412-573-9059
Facebook Message - www.facebook.com/nvuniverse